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Training Script

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Training Script Empty Training Script

Post by Admin Fri Jan 16, 2015 2:08 am


Welcome to LAPD Training. My name is [your name goes here].
Please do not move or speak unless specifically instructed to do so.
Please hold all questions until you are prompted.
If you move or talk i will fail you and you will be taking training again.

Is that clear?

[Wait For Respond]

There are some rules in the LAPD.
Failing to abide by them can lead to being kicked, demoted, or fired. They are:

1) Obey the Habbo Way.
2) Respect everyone and obey Higher rank.
3) Do not ask for promotions, Pay or Rights.
4) Do not Dance or use any effect in HQ.
5) Never advertise or you will be Kicked On Spot.
6) Fill the front when possible and sit in the back when AFK.
7) No Double Jobbing.
8 ) Do not self promote.
9) Do not abuse your power.
10) Do not pick favorites.
11) Never bribe/accept bribes

Any questions?

* Wait for everybody to respond.

Ok... Let's Proceed To Basic Commands

These are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, so make sure you remember them.

FTF- Fill The Front (Fill the front desks)

FTM- Fill the Middle (If you have to go AFK)

FTB- Fill the Back (If you need to be trained, or need to train)

FTS- Fill the Security (Go and work at the Security zone where you check people for B.U.M)

FTD- Fill the Desk (Go here to answer questions. Next to FTS)

SF- Stand Fast- (Stand up where you are, wave, and say Yes Sir/Ma'am)

F&C- Front and Center- (Go to the commander, wave, and say say Yes Sir/Ma'am)

AE- At Ease- (Return where you were before you were told to F&C/SF/Attention)

BTB- Back To Base (Report back to base)

Any questions about any of those Commands?

* Wait for everyone to respond

OK... I will now explain what B.U.M. is. Everyone needs to remember this.

When recruiting, always remember to check for B.U.M.

B -Badge. Click on the LAPD group pennant and click Join.
U -Uniform. Click the Mannequin to get into Uniform.
M -Motto. Change motto to [LAPD] Recruit.

Any questions?

* Once again wait until everyone respond.


On to Recruiting.

When you recruit people, you say this:

"Hello, Welcome to LAPD, Sit if you want apply for Job"
When someone sits in front of you, you say...
"Would you like to apply for a job?"
If the person sitting in front of you says YES, then you say...
"Please change your motto to [LAPD] Recruit"
Check their motto. When they have the right motto, put on your LAPD Standard rank badge and say
"Please join and favorite my badge"
Check their badge. Once it's right, let them in.

Any questions before we start our test?

* Wait until everyone respond

Let's get on with the test.
When I yell out a command, I want you to do it.

Commands are on the yellow stickies on the left in case you forget.

(make sure you drill them on each one of these until they can perform each one correctly. re-explain them if you need to)








(or in any order)

Congratulations, you've passed training!

Please change your motto to [LAPD] Trainee [tag]
If They Have Excelled In The Training, Tell Them To Make Their Motto [LAPD] Cadet [tag]

*Check their motto, and if they all have they motto right you say..

Class Dismissed, BTB

*Open the gate and let them go in the Teleporter.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2015-01-16

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